If you are like me, you would have stopped watching news by now. I am scared to watch tv news or browse through any news websites for quite a few days. Initially I stopped it to avoid information overload and now it turned out to be anxiety overload.

I browse through the headline columns to see a single postive thing and most days end up having tears in my eyes and heavniness in my heart.

I really dont understand the thought process of the people who think, do violence for any reason. I am really nervous about the current situation and about the future my kids are going to have, no matter where they live. What should I not be worried about? I am worried about the family , health, money, environment , world peace and safety everything.

How can I teach my kids to be and stay positive with a nervousness in all the actions I do? But I have hope and yes, I still have hope. I am a powerless, humble woman who tries to vent her anguish through words and tears but I truly believe I can pray.

I believe whether its God or the universe or any superpower will listen to you if you truly communicate. I believe the prayer we do every day, everytime can fix a broken heart that looks for a key through violence. I pray for the heart not to be killed or punished for it will sow seeds for more like that. I pray for the cure and not for the quick fix. If my prayer could stop just a single person from doing any violence and turn him/her towards kindness, I think the mission is complete. Please believe in this and join me. After all, the cursings and rages wont fix it, this is truly worth the try. We wont lose anything by prayer, please believe, A simple candle can burn the darkness.